DNS Mobility
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    DNS Mobility

    When: Friday, 3/1/2024 4:00 PM - 4:55 PM

    Session dates: Fridays, 3/1/2024 - 3/29/2024, 4:00 PM - 4:55 PM

    Where: Richard and Rhoda Goldman Sports and Wellness Complex (Bldg A)

    OFJCC weight loss DNS—Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization—is a corrective exercise approach developed at the Prague School of Rehabilitation that stimulates the motor control centers in the brain to enable us to move optimally. DNS helps one establish ideal movement patterns by improving stability in critical parts of the body that, in turn, improve overall mobility and movement skills.

    DNS is largely focused on essential movement patterns we established as infants, i.e., rolling, crawling standing, etc., and teaching one to fluidly move and transition between these movement patterns with optimal posture and breath. The instructor, Brent Brayshaw, is a Certified DNS Exercise Trainer with over seven years of applying the DNS methods to his practice.

    This class will introduce you to essential DNS concepts, movement patterns,and flows to help you optimize your movement!

    Benefits of practicing DNS
    • Improved performance in daily activities and sport
    • Improved mobility and coordination
    • Better movement efficiency
    • Improved respiration
    • Improved posture

    Note: Class is conducted primarily on the floor, so participants should be comfortable getting on and off the ground.

    Fridays, March 1–29
    Free for Members |$125 General Public
    Goldman Sports & Wellness Complex
    Registration required through email
    Contact: Bonnie Patrick, Fitness Manager | [email protected]


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