Legacy Letter Workshop with Jay Sherwin
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    Legacy Letter Workshop with Jay Sherwin

    When: Wednesday, 12/13/2023 9:30 AM - 2:00 PM

    Where: Arrillaga Family Pavilion (Bldg C) 1st Floor

    OFJCC Palo Alto JCCWhat is a legacy letter?
    A legacy letter (also called an "ethical will") is a written document that allows people to reflect on their important life experiences, and transmit their values, life lessons and blessings to future generations. Ethical wills are deeply rooted in Jewish tradition.

    What should I expect?
    Through this hands-on workshop, participants will be guided in beginning to craft their personal legacy letter. By the end of the session, you should have a great start to your legacy letter—your personal statement for you to share with loved ones and preserve for future generations.

    OFJCC Palo Alto JCC

    How can I join?
    Join us for this legacy letter workshop. There will be opportunities to connect, listen, learn and, if you want, to share. Secure your spot by purchasing a ticket below.

    Jay Sherwin grew up in Worcester, Massachusetts and lived in seven states and two foreign countries. He spent a decade in the San Francisco Bay Area before returning to New England in 2018. Jay now lives in Portland, Maine, a beautiful city and wonderful community. Jay has had a long and varied career: he practiced law, gave away money for five different charitable foundations, worked as a writer and philanthropy consultant and served as a hospital chaplain. In his current role as a Life Review Adviser, he is drawing on his experience and lessons learned from previous work.

    Lunch will be provided.

    Wednesday, December 13
    9:30 AM–2:00 PM
    Arrillaga Family Pavilion (Bldg C) 1st Floor
    Contact: Jessica Nitzany | [email protected]@paloaltojcc.org

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