OFJCC Pomegranate Legacy Society (Legacy Giving)
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    OFJCC Pomegranate Legacy Society (Legacy Giving)

    Legacy Gifts make a huge impact on the long-term sustainability and financial health of the OFJCC. Pomegranate Legacy Society members make generous provisions for the OFJCC through their wills or estate plans, retirement accounts or through other planned giving methods. 

    For many people, this forward-looking philanthropy makes it possible to make a significant long-term contribution that otherwise might be beyond reach. With appreciation for this generous gift, members of the OFJCC Legacy Society will receive:
    • A Pomegranate Mezuzah commemorating your decision to make a legacy gift to the OFJCC
    • Recognition in the OFJCC's Annual Report and other publications as a Legacy Society member
    • An invitation to an exclusive Annual Event specifically for Pomegranate Legacy Society members

    Making a Planned Gift to the OFJCC

    Bequests are one of the easiest ways for donors to make a significant contribution toward helping the OFJCC fulfill its goals.  Bequests allow donors to designate future assets to the OFJCC in their wills. Donors may include the OFJCC in their estate plan by specifying a dollar amount or a percentage of their estate's assets to be transferred to the OFJCC.

    Retirement Plans: Another easy option for donors is to designate the OFJCC as a beneficiary of his or her IRA, Keogh or other retirement plan. This option may allow donors to reduce both income and estate taxes.  

    Life Insurance Policy: This is a relatively simple and inexpensive way for donors to provide for future generations by naming the OFJCC as a beneficiary to a life insurance policy or by donating a unneeded policy. 

    The Oshman Family JCC Pomegranate Legacy Society consists of individuals who have thoughtfully included the OFJCC in their estate plan through a legacy gift. Thank you to these members of the Legacy Society for their ongoing commitment to enriching lives, building community and inspiring Jewish journeys:
    Anonymous Jay and Sandy Hirsh Jeanbelle and Zachary Rosenman (z"l)
    Irene Zoken Abrams Peter Holland Ric and Roberta Rudman
    Betty Denenberg Adler Mark and Marla Holtzman Carol D. and Harry J. Saal
    Merry and Steve (z"l) Astor Ann Marie Jasse and Bruce Fram
    Nathaniel Saal and Susan Steiner Saal
    James E. Baer Sheryl and Tony Klein Dorothy Saxe
    Gloria Baerncopf (z"l) Laura and Gary Lauder Loren and Shelley Saxe
    Steve and Ina Bauman Sharon and Seth Leslie Janet and Albert Schultz (z"l)
    Randi S. Brenowitz and Marty Klein Mark and Adele Lieberman The Schwabacher Family
    Madeline Chaleff and David Arfin Shirley Liebhaber Susan and Richard Seiler
    Reba Cohen Lev and Celia Mass Joanna and Jason Strober
    Alice Erber and Robert Steinberg Bill and Susan Mirbach Taube Family Foundation
    Zoltan Farkas (z"l) Adam and Carolyn Nash Veronica Tincher
    Louis L. and Janet K. Fisher (z"l) Maurice and Pearl Purcell (z"l) Teacher Debra Togliatti
    Nanette and Richard Freedland Paul Resnick and Joan Karlin Alan Weissberger
    Emeri and Brad Handler Orli and Zack Rinat Batya Zucker

    To read why some donors were inspired to make a legacy gift, click here

    Are you interested in becoming a member of the Pomegranate Legacy Society? Click here to download our Letter of Intent (PDF).

    Already including the OFJCC in your plans? Let us know by contacting Seth Leslie at (650) 223-8729 or [email protected].

    GuideStar Gold Transparency 2021 Seal from Candid

    The Oshman Family Jewish Community Center is proud to have been awarded the 2024 GuideStar Gold Seal for Transparency from Candid.*

    Guidestar profiles give donors detailed information about an organization, aiding them in their search for trusted organizations. A Gold seal on a profile denotes a higher level of transparency, including comprehensive details about finances, Board of Directors, staff and overall demographics.

    Anyone can view the OFJCC's financial details and learn about the people at our organization here

    * Candid was formed in 2019, when GuideStar joined forces with the Foundation Center. The combined organization is committed to using research, collaboration and training to connect nonprofits, foundations, and individuals.

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