Palo Alto JCC Parking & Car Wash | Oshman Family JCC
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    Electric Vehicle Charging Stations
    The OFJCC's four electric car charging stations are located in the parking area immediately to the right upon entering the garage.

    Click here for more information.



    Onsite Car Wash Service
    Hours of Operation: Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 7:00 AM until availability is full.

    Car wash and detailing is provided by Auto Detailing Concept, an independent vendor. Give your car first class treatment—included in the car wash is a full exterior soft cloth cleaning done 100% by hand and interior cleaning with vacuuming. Service is available on a first come, first served basis. (Appointments only required for detail, painting correction, ceramics, etc.)

    Please turn in to Aisle 4 and follow the signs to the car wash attendant. Send a text for appointments and special requests to (650) 490-8424. Payment can be made directly to Auto Detailing Concept.




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